Marie Whittaker is an award-winning essayist and author of urban fantasy, children’s books and supernatural thrillers. Marie has enjoyed professions as a truck driver and raft guide and is now Associate Publisher and Project Editor at WordFire Press. In 2019 Marie was selected as Director of Superstars Writing Seminars, a world-class conference focusing on the business of writing. She is assistance to bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson. Writing as Amity Green, her debut novel, Scales, the first in her Fate and Fire series, debuted in 2013. Her supernatural thriller, The Witcher Chime, was a finalist for the Indie Book Awards in 2017. Many of her award-winning short stories appear in numerous anthologies and publications. A Colorado native, Marie resides in Manitou Springs, where she writes and enjoys renovating her historic Victorian home. Marie is a proud member of the Horror Writers Association and keeps steady attendance at local writer’s groups. She spends time hiking, gardening, and indulging in her guilty pleasure of shopping for handbags. She is fond of owls, coffee, and all things Celtic. A lover of animals, Marie is an advocate against animal abuse and assists with lost pets in her community.